Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Story:Sage Narada’s Doubt

Sage Narada visits the abode of Sri Vishnu. Vishnu Bhagavan worships Narada and asks why he visited. Narada replies: "Lord, While travelling on earth, I came across a Satsang where the main speaker was praising the benefits of Darshan of Sadhus, but I could not hear the actual benefit. So kindly tell me what is the benefit of darshan of Sadhus."
Vishnu told Sage Narada,that his question can be answered properly by a worm , which is residing in manure pit in some place.
Rishi Narada goes to the worm and asks the  same question. The worm, instead of replying to him, dies in his hands. The rishi is grieved and goes to Vishnu’s abode with the dead worm in his hand and narrates to Sri Vishnu. Lord tells Rishi, to go to the Manasarovar lake, where he can get the answer to his question from Swan. The rishi goes to the Manasarovar lake and seeing the bird at the other side sits down and waits for the Swan to come to this side of the lake. He closes his eyes and is immersed in meditation on God. Suddenly, he feels something heavy in his lap. Opening his eyes, he is agitated to see the swan, dead in his lap. He rushes to Vishnu with the bird. Vishnu tells him that now only a small, newly born child in Varanasi can clarify his doubt. Narada is horrified at the suggestion and says, "No! The last two times, I went near some living thing to ask, it died. I don't want to carry the guilt of being responsible for the death of another life, that too a human child!"
Lord Vishnu assured Narada that this time, he need not worry and he will not have to take any guilt. With a lot of trepidation, Sri Narada approaches the  three day old child. Seeing the Rishi, the child claps its hands in joy and addresses him thus: "Please,come ..Rishivar! I am the worm. By the grace of your darshan, I became the Swan and again I had the benefit of your darshan in that life, because of which I got this human birth. Now with your darshan..."  Narada did not wait there even a moment to hear the child further but vanished.Thus Narada got his answer about the benefits of Sadhu Darshan