A ‘Jeeva’ will be getting into many hurdles during its life time and may get stuck up there (due to ignorance) .Satsang will slowly help remove this ignorance from us.So Satsang is very much essential during the life of a’ Jeeva’.The outside satsang will slowly turn inside satsang ie;meditative in nature. The Sangham of Jnanis ;Brahmaswarupis. The One who have known Brahmam will not be separate from it.
||Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavathi || says lord in Bhagavat geeta. So seeing the Jnanis is similar to seeing the Saguna Rupa Darshan of Bhagavan. But the peace that one attain from Satsang is not eternal.We get a flick of the experience or state they are in.This will help the ‘jeeva’ to rise to that state.