In Bhagavata ,Krishna is
worshipped as 'Satyasvarupa'.The swarupa of Lord is Satya or the ultimate truth;
that will never change. The one who takes refuge in the truth will also become
Satya swarupis as slowly the truth unveils before him.In Satsang there is not
even difference in religion/caste, sex,man or animal. Any living being can
escape the life cycle with the help of Satsang.It’s not required that it should
be a human being
In Ekadasha skanda Bhagavan says about this to Uddhavar.Sri Sankaracharya
says in Sivananda Lahari that even mosquito can escape if it gets into Satsang.
If the heart of one is
fixed in the experience of God then even
if it is mosquito then it’s life is worth;else what is the use of getting a
human birth?Mahatmas are ever ready to uplift even mosquito if it has true