Friday, June 21, 2013
WHEN asked why he did not lead the life of a
householder with his wife, the Master replied:
'Kartikeya (Son of Siva) one day happened to
scratch a cat with his nail. On going home, he saw
that there was the mark of a scratch on the cheek
of his Divine Mother, Parvati. Seeing this he asked
her, 'Mother, low did you get this ugly scratch on
your cheek?' The mother of the universe replied,
'This is the work of your own hand; it is the scratch
of your nail.' Kartikeya asked in wonder: 'How is it,
Mother? I do not remember to have scratched you
at any time. The Mother replied, 'Darling, have you
forgotten the fact of your laving scratched a cat
this morning?' Kartikeya said, Yes, I did scratch a
cat, but how did your cheek get the scar?' The
Mother replied, 'Dear child, nothing exists in this
world but Myself. The whole creation is Myself;
whomsoever you may hurt, you only hurt me.'
Kartikeya was greatly surprised to hear this; and
then he determined never to marry. For, whom
could he marry? Every woman was mother to him.
Realizing thus the motherhood of woman, he gave
up marriage. I am like Kartikeya. I consider every
woman as my Divine Mother."